Welcome Back, Etta Israel!

The Tikvah Etta and Lazear Israel Center for the Developmentally Disabled (ETTA) is a social services provider for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities such as autism and Down syndrome in West Hollywood, CA. Founded in 1993, ETTA’s full spectrum of services allows people with disabilities to live independent, included, and active lives. ETTA’s services include residential housing, case management, employment training and placement, educational services and social services.

In 2011, we provided a $50,000 loan to ETTA to renovate a group home which was repaid . This year, ETTA asked DOF to provide a $3,400,000 loan to help them expand their programs and attract additional local support from an active Board of Directors and other supporters. We look forward to seeing ETTA’s operations run more efficiently, increase organizational profitability and bandwidth which allows for continued and improved services for the over 700 clients ETTA serves.